Art as Experiment: Performing the School
©Global Art Joint Curriculum 2018
École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts et Tokyo University of the Arts
From 18 May to 4 June, the Beaux-Arts in Paris hosted students and teachers from the Tokyo University of the Arts for a joint workshop on the theme "Art as experiment: performing the school".
On the occasion of this workshop which took place within the dance workshop, the performance was used as a vector for questioning pedagogy between two art schools.
After a second class in Japan, students have staged their schools in a performance that have had publicly presented at Sogetsu Plaza in Tokyo on July 21st.
The joint course is taught by Yuko Mohri and Mina Lee, teachers at Tokyo University of the Arts; Emmanuelle Huynh and Didier Semin, teachers at the Beaux-Arts in Paris.
This project is part of the Global Art Joint Curriculum developed with Tokyo University of the Arts since 2015.
supported by:
- Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
- Institut Français - Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Culture
- Lupicia