Exhibition at Atelier Nathalie Talec, in the last floor of the building Chimay, École des Beaux-arts de Paris.
«The boundless extension of the territories and the melancholy and relief of knowing we shall soon give up any thought of knowing and understanding them.»; Ítalo Calvino, «Invisible Cities». The intense occupation of territories to accommodate a growing population tends to exclude the existence of vague spaces. Thanks to all its transitions among different lands, a system to regulate the general habitation imposes strict parameters to many architectural construction projects. In that way, the tragedy is revealed by the exacerbated necessity of development; consequently the waste and debris are some of the marks left by that scheme. Now, we are heirs of ruins and the visible is only the shell of an expanding energy.
For the exhibition, the chosen territory hosted 7 selected works produced along the first cycle of the graduation program. They are objects and representations of an occupation by a grey metallic mud that covered the ground and created an unexpected environment over the architectural forms and symbols of that space. Spreading all that substance over the walking surface was a manner to create a charged dried unsaturated situation to the working area. As a result It was set a tense condition of making and living there. The generated pieces were preserved as an archeology of that event — They are reactions of the absence of vivacity, but also a manifestation of hope marked by the elevation of hardened bodies. In addiction, the grey ground was made with clay and graphite, as a result when the spectators left the room, they also left their footprints along their way out, leaving the traces of their presence there.